Anger and hating others grow anger and hate in us

So if the problem we are storming about inside ourselves really has our attention, what is our intention?

When I am outrage at the actions, words, thinking of others, I have simply joined in the creation of rejection and hate. In sum my anger and hate add to the hate and anger in the world. If I am really committed to eliminating anger and hate, the assignment is to recognize, accept, and transform them in my self.

How do you transform anger and hate?

This question and implied action will feel and seem like too much unless we have done the work of recognizing anger and hate in our own bodies, feelings, minds. Until we locate our own use of these conflicts, how can we transform them into something we deem worthwhile?

So am I saying anger and hate can be transformed? Like all life? Yes. Let’s start with recognizing our responses to anger and hate in others. From this we are able to observe our own intensity-forming separation, and watching, consider remaining still rather than attacking.

We already are physically practicing acceptance and release with each breath we take. Aware of our breathing we can practice understanding by realizing our in-breath is acceptance and our out-breath release. Simply turn your awareness to your body and its use of oxygen, accepting, using, releasing.

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