Quietly observing

Living can be very dangerous. Finding our way through experiences requires an element of risk, based on not knowing completely, and yet choosing based on our understanding.

This moment we are living, right now, is a combining of observing, judging and choosing how to react. While we experiment with life……a baby pouring its juice out to see it flow……or dropping a toy to see it fall……we are all storing information in these libraries we call bodies.

While all of us learn to identify the body as “I”, in truth the body is where “I” interacts with and as life. If you are fortunate enough to have noticed the process of learning and growing beyond body identification, you have resumed your original self which chose to separate to simply be. Now that you can move at the speed of awareness, you have likely begun to undo some of your conditioned awarenesses.

We are all here as love expanding and disappearing, which is worth stopping to observe, quietly. In this quiet, from which we have emerged we are the ability to make whatever we imagine and accept.

Daniel Hanson photo

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